We’ve planted 10,000 trees!

This International Day of Forests, we’re celebrating planting 10,000 trees in the Finsu Forest.

We’re all about making it easy to find slow fashion fast, by bringing together incredible brands with a verified positive impact.

But what about Finsu’s own impact?

Sustainability is at the core of what we do, but we know that if we want to talk the talk, we have to walk the walk, as well. 

That’s why we’re celebrating planting 10,000 trees with our partner, Treepoints! 

Not only is this a massively exciting milestone on our journey to be even more carbon-negative as a company, but it gives us the chance to celebrate the great work we’ve been doing in offsetting (over 5x!) the emissions we create across Scopes 1, 2, and 3 of our value chain. 

How does our tree-planting scheme work?

We’re all about giving everybody the power to help fight climate change together, and that means giving eco-curious shoppers the opportunity to get involved in building the Finsu Forest, too.

On top of planting trees in bulk as a company, we automatically plant trees with our partner Treepoints whenever somebody uses our website; whether that’s by creating an account, inviting friends to Finsu, browsing our great products, or even just signing up to our newsletter. 

Our 10k milestone not only reflects our own commitment to actionable and effective climate solutions, but is also a great opportunity for us to celebrate how well-used and well-loved Finsu is by our wonderful community and beyond. Cheers to that!

We plant our trees in partnership with Treepoints, whose mission is to make positive carbon action easy, accessible and transparent. They plant trees in locations such as Haiti, Honduras, and Kenya.

They do so in cooperation with Eden Reforestation Projects, who work with local communities to restore forests on a massive scale – creating jobs, protecting ecosystems, and helping mitigate climate change. They’ve produced, planted and protected over 977+ million trees in 10 countries, and are a model for environmental restoration and land management.

What does it mean for the planet?

Reforestation is one of the best climate change solutions we have – from helping slow global heating and reduce air pollution to alleviating poverty and restoring wildlife. 

But still, it’s worth keeping in mind that it only helps if it’s done right. Non-native trees, for example, can do more harm than good. The experts at Treepoints know the ins and outs to make sure each tree planted by us has a positive impact!

It’s also worth bearing in mind that planting trees alone won’t stop global heating. It is only a small piece of the puzzle. Among many other things we should decarbonise supply chains, use more renewable energy, protect existing forests and consume more consciously. Still, as Bill McGuire says in Hothouse Earth: An Inhabitant’s Guide, “large-scale tree planting, done right, unequivocally provides the best and cheapest way of pulling excess carbon out of the atmosphere”. So while planting trees alone won’t help, it’s one of the best ways to help fight climate change!

A bit about International Day of Forests

We feel like it makes sense to celebrate this achievement on International Day of Forests, which was created by The United Nations General Assembly in 2012 to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests. 

The day encourages countries to undertake local, national and international efforts to organise activities involving forests and trees, such as tree planting campaigns like the one we’re celebrating. It also is a great opportunity to learn more about the importance of trees and reforestation, and to discover ways that we can all protect forests as individuals.

How can we all get involved to protect our forests?

If today has got you in the spirit to help out, then look no more – there are a few easy ways to get involved. 

The first thing you can do is have a look at ways that you can offset your own carbon footprint. If you’re a company, our partners Carbon Jacked and Treepoints both offer services to measure, reduce, and offset your carbon footprint and plant trees. If you’re an individual, becoming a Carbon Jacked member is a great way to restore nature and offset your own personal carbon footprint.

Keeping up with the spirit, here are two UK-based charities you can donate to today:

  • Woodland Trust is the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity helping Britain’s rainforests survive and thrive.
  • The Heart of England Forest is another charity that is aiming towards growing a 30,000 acre forest in Warwickshire and Worcestershire, having already planted 2 million trees!

And if you’re ever looking for your next sustainable style, use Finsu to shop consciously and plant trees in the process!

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