Always equipped with an eye for great style, you can usually find Hannah either rooting around second-hand shops or at a sewing machine having a go at upcycling her once-loved items.
Embracing the challenge of turning unloved clothing into something she’ll wear again and again, Hannah is on a journey to learn as much as she can about all things sustainable fashion.
We loved speaking to Hannah about how she got started with upcycling, and what she wishes for in the future! Read on to learn more.

What motivated you to start doing what you’re doing?
I have always enjoyed second-hand shopping and getting creative with what you already have. Over the past few years, particularly since the collapse of the Rana Plaza Factory, I have become more aware of the impact of the fashion industry and the importance of knowing where / how your clothes are made.
What’s a brand you really admire?
Patagonia. I think they are leading the way in terms of doing things differently.
Who’s one person that inspires you?
Vivienne Westwood was definitely a leader in the fashion industry for speaking up about things she believed in.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever heard?
In terms of clothing/fashion it would have to be Buy Less. Choose Well. Make it Last. From Vivienne Westwood.
What’s one change you wish to see in the world?
It would be great if brands had to publish a clear and completely honest supply chain of each item of clothing they sell so buyers can make informed decisions.

What’s one thing that’s giving you hope for the future?
The amount of people who have started talking about sustainability in fashion. It’s definitely been more widely spoken about over the past few years – hopefully it just gains momentum from here.
What’s a wardrobe essential you can’t live without?
A super warm coat which has a detachable gilet so can be worn a number of ways. I picked it up at a charity pop-up for Choose Love & it has become my most worn item this Winter.

Thank you Hannah for showing everyone how upcycling is done! You can check out more of Hannah’s outfits over on her Instagram.