Finsu Talks With: Sam Watson

Sam Watson is a 23-year-old Law graduate currently enrolled on the MSc Sustainable Business: Leadership, Innovation and Management masters course. Alongside her studies, Sam is a carbon literacy trainer for all students and staff at her university, and is extremely passionate about educating others on sustainability and how to improve their impact on the planet!

We’re seriously impressed by the great work that Sam is doing to make sustainability something that everyone can get involved with, from showing her followers how to declutter their wardrobe to how to travel sustainably. We’re happy to have got to learn more about how she started on her own journey, and what advice she has for those looking to shop consciously. Read more below!

Image credit: Sam Watson

What motivated you to start doing what you’re doing?

I have always been passionate about sustainability but what motivated me to start advocating for it was the 99% off sale that pretty little thing held in 2021 during Black Friday. Items were being sold for a penny and I realised that there is no way the production of these could be sustainable and ethical if they were sold at that price. I educated myself further on the impact that the fashion industry has on the environment and I have been developing my knowledge ever since while trying to simultaneously teach others.

What’s inspired you recently?

I find myself getting inspiration every day from other advocates and sustainability content creators because they provide such a supportive network and so much energy. They remind me on a daily basis to keep going and that despite feeling lost sometimes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Image credit: Sam Watson

What’s some advice you have for people wanting to shop more consciously?

My number one rule for shopping consciously is asking yourself “do I need this?” Overconsumption is the biggest issue for the environment and so being mindful of the amount you are consuming and appreciating what you already have is always the first step. 

When approaching the idea of purchasing something new, spend a second looking at the brand and if they are sustainable. If they aren’t, try to find an environmentally conscious version or find it secondhand! Sustainability isn’t about perfection, it’s about doing what you can, where you can.

What’s a brand you really admire?

I have always admired the brand Pantee. Run by two sisters, Amanda and Katie they create underwear from deadstock fabrics. The reason I admire this brand is because they really do have sustainability at the core of the brand. They save materials from waste, reduce overproduction by only creating limited stock and they promote self love and body positivity through their marketing shots. They are truly an ethical and environmentally conscious brand who value the planet and those on it.

Image credit: Sam Watson

Who’s one person that inspires you?

A person that has consistently inspired me is my friend Lydia. Dedicating the majority of your time to looking after the planet can be quite daunting with all the negative news out there but no matter what, she always shows up for herself, others and specifically the planet. Her sustainability journey has been so inspiring to me and has kept up my own motivation when things have gotten difficult.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever heard?

The best piece of advice I have ever received is to be kind to yourself. It is almost impossible to do things perfectly, especially when it comes to limiting your impact on the planet. You have to go easy on yourself and learn from the mistakes you make rather than feeling defeated. Sustainability is a journey, not a destination!

What’s one change you wish to see in the world?

One thing I wish I could see in this world is slower living. Everyone lives so fast, especially in regard to consumption, usually at the expense of others.

What’s one thing that’s giving you hope for the future?

Knowing that there are other people out there that have a passion for the environment. It is easy to think that no one is paying attention to what is happening but there are so many people who feel the same as you and are ready to rally with you for a better future!

What’s one quote that you live by?

Do Good Recklessly

What’s a wardrobe essential you can’t live without?

One wardrobe essential I can’t live without is a good tote bag!

Thank you Sam for agreeing to the chat! You can check out more of her by heading over to her Instagram.

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