The 6 Eco-Conscious Lifestyles That Could Change Our Planet

The way we live is undeniably changing. Almost 90% of people in a survey looking at a post-Covid society said they wanted a more sustainable and equitable world, and one of the simplest ways we can work towards that is by changing our lifestyles. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean living underground or going off-grid! There are plenty of easy lifestyles that you could start practising right now, and we’ve got the top six that might just save our planet.

1. The Zero-Waste Lifestyle

Zero-waste is a lifestyle that’s all about cutting down on the waste sent to the landfill – in particular, it focuses on plastic. Instead of throwing away, zero-wasters reuse, recycle, donate, and sell, doing everything they can to limit the amount in their bin every week. It’s definitely tricky to become 100% zero-waste, but there are plenty of little changes you can do to start working towards it, like opting for products in cardboard instead of plastic and not buying disposable items.

A zero-waste blog we love: Going Zero Waste

2. The Self-Sufficient Lifestyle

Self-sufficiency cuts out the middleman. Rather than relying on someone else to grow your vegetables or make your clothes, you do it yourself! Like zero-waste, it’s incredibly difficult to be completely self-sufficient, but these lifestyles aren’t about being perfect: they’re about doing your best to make a difference.

An easy start: Grow Tomatoes on Your Windowsill

3. The Minimalist Lifestyle

If you opt for the minimalist lifestyle, that means you’ll be learning to live with less. The idea is that the less you own, the less you throw away, and the less waste you create! People who practice a minimal lifestyle only hold onto and buy items that they really need or really love. It’s a great way to clear up clutter and reduce your impact on the planet at the same time. 

An interesting read about letting go of sentimental items: The Law of Habituation

4. The Vegan (or Cow-Free) Lifestyle

Being vegan can be daunting for many people, but it’s undoubtedly one of the best ways to reduce your negative impact on the planet. It can lower your carbon footprint by up to 73% and reduce the amount of land needed to cater to your diet, both of which are fantastic! If veganism is too big a jump, try cutting out (or reducing) beef and dairy products which are the biggest greenhouse gas contributors in the food industry.

A seriously delicious vegan recipe: Jackfruit Ragu

5. The Conscious Consumerist

At Finsu, we’re big believers in being conscious consumers. These are people who don’t just buy something on a whim; they’re thorough and thoughtful. They ensure that what they buy is ethical, meets their needs, and has the least impact on the planet possible – it’s shopping, but sustainably. If you’re reading this, you’re already on your way to becoming a conscious consumer simply by educating yourself on how to help the planet!

An easy way to shop consciously: Finsu!

6. The Sustainable Lifestyle

People who live a sustainable lifestyle incorporate every single one of these ways of living into their daily life. They can be vegan, minimalist, and a conscious-consumer all at the same time. They might not be perfect – after all, nobody is – but that’s not what a sustainable lifestyle is about. As long as you know you’re doing your best to help the planet, you can live a sustainable lifestyle. 

Embrace Conscious Consumerism With Finsu

At Finsu, we’re definitely in the conscious consumer category. Our brand is all about helping people like you, who want to make a positive difference, shop more sustainably, but without spending hours scouring the internet for great brands. Instead, we’ve compiled the best of the best right here! Learn more about us and embrace conscious consumerism the simple way.

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